Equine Massage Therapy: Sessions last approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours and cost $50. All new clients receive a $10 discount for the first session…
Lessons for adults and children of all ages. 120x60 indoor arena, large outdoor arena. Horses for all riding levels. Experienced, friendly, patient…
Hens' Haven has been my dream of raising purebred Brahma bantam chickens. We currently have five varieties, Lights, Darks, Buffs, Blacks, and Partridges…
Our family provides a Retreat for both horse and horsemen to develop their foundation skills in an engaging, safe, and productive manner - while…
Small Appaloosa breeding farm in the rolling hills of Kentucky
Love of Quarter and Rocky Mt. Horses
Where we raise horses from young babies to adults and use the horses for the education of young children. Horses who are free are welcome. Also, any…
Clover Hill Racing LLC is the home of Its Time to Smile a GII stakes runner with over $198K in earnings. We have multiple stallions and mares of all…